5th Consistent Award Winning Year!​

Welcome to Prince of Peace Catholic Church & School

Our Guild of St. Thomas Aquinas welcomes adorers to visit the Adoration Chapel and/or adopt an hour by contacting [email protected].

123 Fifth Avenue, Lane no 17, New York​

National Blue Ribbon School for K4-8

Interior Solutions Owner & Co-Owner​

Perpetual Adoration Chapel

The mission of Prince of Peace is to share the fullness of the Gospel to all we encounter in our lives by equipping disciples to create and strengthen a personal relationship with Christ.

By the grace of God, we are called to strive for personal holiness, participate fully in the vibrant life of the Church’s Tradition and transform the world.


Christian Formation

Learn more about your Faith and how to live a more full life with Christ.

123 Fifth Avenue, Lane no 17, New York​
US Best Interior Firm – 2020​
International Design Awards Nominee – 2019​


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Perpetual Adoration

All the tithe of the land is the Lord’s. It is holy to the Lord. And all the tithe of herds and flocks, every tenth animal of all that pass under the herdman’s staff shall be holy to the Lord. – Leviticus 27.30, 32

Altar Servers

Make Giving Easy Make giving easy by filling out our Electronic Funds Transfer form.


When you come to church, how did you go about thinking of what you were going to bring to the Offertory?

Real Estates​

When you received the just reward for your labors in your check from work, what was the first thing you thought about doing with it? 

Small Offices​

Abel, the just man, gave his first fruits from the LORD and was blessed for it.

Free Consultation​

Cain, his older brother, gave what was left over to God, who did not look with favor upon the offering. Do you want to be blessed by God? Give your first fruits to him.


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16 January 2022 Bulletin

Monday, 17 January No Mass, school (scheduled holiday), ministry or other events (basketball, etc) Tuesday,…

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